Thursday 14 February 2013

Flight Of Imagination

The most important faculty of a man is his imaginative faculty. As a child it is at its best but decays as he grows up. During his formative years the child tends to question the absence of anything that he can imagine but does not find around him. But, when he grows up, two vital changes take place- one, his power of imagination takes a back seat & secondly, he becomes skeptic even about things that he sees around himself. He questions every new idea that is mooted to solve any old problem and downplays anything that seems out of the box.
The root cause of all the trouble is not the man but men- men around him. Man is not a skeptic by birth. But every time he floats a new idea it is taken as a breach of the pattern &, thus not accepted by people. But he keeps imagining his way into the unknown. And the world keeps throwing its tantrums, rejecting the idea on one pretext or another. By and by, he starts thinking that the world is all fine; he is an aberration. And this is the beginning of the end of his imaginative prowess.
The all important question is how some gifted souls manage to counter the onslaught of skeptics and refuse to get adjusted to the easy way of thinking ‘simple & straight.’ The answer is that they consider themselves to be gifted & not an ordinary soul & they remain so till the end.
The early sign of a man getting into the trap of ‘easy & plain’ thinking is that he moves from ‘why not’ mode to ‘why’ mode. Initially, he finds it difficult to adjust to the newly-found world of skeptics but once he gets there he finds it very comforting & snuggles up to it for whole life to lead a limited existence. So, the secret to a blessed & meaningful life is to question what is not around & enjoy what is present. Then only, we will truly be living in the present & preparing for the future.
The secret of making impossible looking things possible is to see these taking place in your mind. Everything comes in this world twice- first it takes shape in your mind & then in your outer world. When we reject any wild-looking idea as 'not possible', we reject the possibility of its taking shape in real world. The fact is most of the ideas that have materialized were wild once; but not to the people who were instrumental in making these ideas real. They refused to accept the impossibility though the whole world was against them. They saw the idea taking shape not once but many times in their mind. While world thought them to be eccentric, they thought the same for the world.
                               "Everything you can imagine is real."- Pablo Piccaso
So, the next time you imagine something which seems not doable, think again & ask, "why not?" & give it a try. 

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