Sunday 30 September 2012

Challenge Your Limits

The only limitations are the ones that you impose on yourself. It has been found that when our mind accepts something as impossible, it gets utterly difficult to achieve that, even if it is quite attainable. On the contrary, history is filled with instances when almost impossible feats were achieved by ordinary people( it is a different matter that those people never remained ordinary after they achieved the impossible). Not only we impose the limitations on ourselves, but also argue for these if someone puts a case against these limitations. In that case, we make these limitations an integral part of our persona & then it is impossible to do away with them. The easiest way to achieve BIG things in your life is to reject everything that is ordinary, easy to achieve or does not challenge your limits.

Saturday 29 September 2012

Let Go Of Ego

If detachment is a bliss, why don't we exercise it? The only reason I understand is that it is not properly understood by us. We misunderstand detachment as giving things up & leading a frugal life. Yes, detachment may mean so but, more importantly, it means to accept the fact that things are not to be attached to but to use & after a certain period, to let go of these. Why  only things; let go of your past if it is troubling you, or someone who is the cause of pain in your life. To accept detachment, you have to renounce your ego as well & that is a tough task. Isn't it? Ego acts like a glue to get ourselves attached to things or people. So the only way to detach from things is to let go of your ego & the rest will take care of itself. 

Friday 28 September 2012

Move Forward

Most of the people live life in the past. They spend their days brooding over what they could have been, and nights thinking about why didn't they get favorable conditions to succeed. The fact of the matter is, no one ever became successful by harping upon past failures or circumstances. If you continue thinking about things of past, the day is not far away when you become the same- a thing of past. 'There is' always sounds better than 'there was' or 'there could have been'. Yes, successful people also think about failures, but only to understand those not to cry over missed chances. They reach to some conclusion & leave failures where these belong  to- in the past.  Successful people never carry forward their account of life. They only update their present  account & live life in 'now'. And that is only what matters ! 

Thursday 27 September 2012

Act Now

Life is very clear about its operating system. Either you act in your life or you are acted upon. When you act, you feel the power. But when you are acted upon, you surrender this power & life takes control of you & your affairs. Most of the people say that they have been very busy all their life; working in a particular company; climbing up the corporate ladder; raising a family or earning big bucks. And by the time they realize that all their life they were not acting but were being acted upon by circumstances, by boss, by spouse or may be by their own kids, it is too late. Their purpose is more external than internal. Give importance to everyone around you but link them to your internal purpose. You will soon realize that it not only brings happiness in your life, but brightens their life too.

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Thoughts Build Character

"We become what we think about all day long," said Emerson. Our thinking not only affects our being, but also our character. When a child is given to think that it is all fine to speak a few lies here & there, he becomes a liar. This is when the seeds of his character are sown. The next time he will not look for the disadvantages of lying or whether it is immoral to lie or not. He will only try 'to reason' all his lies. Even if he comes across some people who stress on speaking truth, he would tend to ignore them. Those initial thoughts which were embedded in him will repel any new thought formation. Many parents complain about children going out o hand at a certain stage in life, but they conveniently forget what did they sow when the child was young. Now is the time to reap the harvest even if it is a bad one!

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Imagination Vs Knowledge

From the very beginning, we are taught to emphasize upon gaining knowledge. We are also taught to conform to the system. In short, we are taught to suppress our imaginative faculty. And by the time we grow up, our imagination dies a slow but sure death. There is nothing wrong in gaining knowledge, but not at the cost of imagination. Generally speaking, when we acquire knowledge, imagination is the first victim. While knowledge gives us information about a particular subject, imagination teaches us to go beyond. Knowledge teaches us to be within our limits, imagination tells us to break the limits. Knowledge guides us to follow a pattern, imagination hints at breaking patterns.

Monday 24 September 2012

We Change

It is our wrong perception that changing circumstances around us force the change in us. It is other way round. When we change, the circumstances also change, for better or worse. Circumstances don't & should not have the power to force the change on us. The power to change rests with us. Circumstances only impinge upon our life when we allow them to do so. And then we complain that they made us. The moment you think so, you abdicate your power to change. And with that, you also sacrifice the joy of living. In a moment, you convert from master to slave. What a pity !

Sunday 23 September 2012

Intention Vs Action

Our action should always be much bigger than our intention. The disappointment occurs when we have very big intentions but fail to support these with actions. The larger the gap between intention & action, the bigger the disappointment. All  creatures have been endowed with the gift of action. But only few make best use of it. And those who do, are presented with more such gifts like opportunity, wisdom, good fortune etc. So, if intention is the starting point of any  achievement, action is the propelling force. Next time, if you take any decision, make sure it is followed with a very big action. Otherwise, that intention will be no more than daydreaming. 

Saturday 22 September 2012

Facing The Sunshine

Life is as good as you make it. If you keep looking at the dark side of it, the  life will appear to be gloomy and punishing. On the other hand if you look at the bright side of life, you will find it be a melodious song. As you cant have shadow without sunshine, you cant have pain without some wonderful moments in life.  The problem occurs when we face the dark side, we tend to ignore the  brighter side of life. The secret is to face the sunshine most of the time, so that you never see the shadow. Even if life pushes you to the wall, on which you see your shadow, turn your face to the sun. By doing so, you are not denying the existence of dark phase, you are only accepting the fact that life is more about fun & enjoyment than about pain & suffering.

Friday 21 September 2012

Fail But Don't Quit

No failure is final until you accept it. Failure is actually the starting point of another attempt towards your objective. Before we fail we are ordinary human beings. It is after the failure that our true colors are revealed. Whether you become an also-ran or a star will depend upon your response to the failure. No one becomes a star in his first race. It  takes many years & thousands of failed attempts to produce a champion. Failure is an opportunity to start all over again, this time more intelligently. Don't quit your goal if you don't achieve it in the first attempt. Just change your approach & give it another try. Repeat the process until you achieve your objective. Fail but don't quit.

Thursday 20 September 2012

It matters

We lack fun in our life for two reasons- First, we don't know whether it matters or not & secondly, consequent to the first dilemma, we don't love what we do. If we resolve the first issue, second will take care of itself. Most of the time we engage in a particular activity without even realizing why we are doing it. If asked, the usual response is- "I do it for my family" or "I could do nothing else". But, not many people would be able  to answer - " Will it matter after you are gone?" This simply means- "Will you leave a legacy?" Most of the people make a living but only a few make a life. When you do something that matters to you & to others, you love it no end. And if you do what matters & love what you do, you would have lived a purposeful life.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Enjoy Your Problems

If you are in a tough situation, the first thing you need to do is to come out of the old state of mind & move into a new one. In tough situations, when we get stuck with one kind of thinking, we multiply our woes. The situations are not always as bad as they appear. Our reaction towards the situations worsens the scenario. We generally look at the problem to find root of the problem in it. Why don't we look at the root of the solution? Once you get into solution mode, you see only solutions & the problem vanishes into thin air. And when you start seeing the solutions, the  problem converts into an opportunity. This is when you start enjoying your problems.  

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Dazzle The World

Our actions or the tasks that we perform are not ordinary or big. The way we perform our tasks makes them ordinary or extraordinary. The presence or absence of that little extra defines us. We should understand that we are no ordinary souls. We are the most powerful creation of God. Not exploiting our full potential on daily basis makes us weak, helpless or ordinary person. And then we grudge why God made us ordinary. The way to be powerful is to exercise the power that has been vested in us by God. When we don't use this power, it rusts out. So, realize your potential & use it to the fullest to dazzle the world.

Monday 17 September 2012

Dive Deep

Man by nature is an achiever. He likes to venture into new territories, find out unexplored grounds  & be the best in his domain. There is nothing wrong in scaling great heights. But the problem occurs when, in search of new heights, he forgets that valleys are more beautiful than mountains. Understanding is a much bigger gift than acquiring wealthy possessions. One might go on to become the CEO of a large company but it will mean nothing to one's six year old child who fails to get attention of his father. The depth of life is not only a great place to be at, it is also more soothing than the exhilaration of feeling unbeatable. Dive deep to be at the top. Otherwise, as the saying goes, it will be very lonely up there. Happy diving !

Sunday 16 September 2012

No Problem

Life gives us a tough situation just to check our response to it. If you are staring at a tough problem, it is only because you are not applying the solution that it needs. You don't need to create that solution. It is already there. The question is why don't we see the idea if it is floating around the problem. It is because most of the time our mind thinks that it is not there & thus, it never sees it. The moment you start thinking that it is sitting pretty close to the problem, you see it & that is it ! Generally we grudge about the situation or regret it instead of  finding the idea & fitting it to the problem. You can't stare at the problem & wish it away. Don't get stuck in the problem; move & the only way to make progress is to implement already present ideas. Once you start finding new ideas, you will realize that there are no problems; there are only solutions.

Saturday 15 September 2012

Excellence By Habit

We read about many people who have achieved excellence in their respective field & the natural reaction is- he is a born singer or she had this in her genes. But what we fail to read is the hard work that goes behind making an excellent painter or an Olympic medalist. We only see one big success; we fail to notice thousand failures before that achievement. The hard labor that a jumper puts in before making the record-breaking jump or thousands of miles that a sprinter runs before medal-winning 100 meter dash, goes unnoticed. From an observer perspective last race was the eye-catcher but from the winner perspective, the practice that he had before the final run was the most crucial. And only that has made all the difference. 

Friday 14 September 2012

Good in Goodbye

People come to our lives with a purpose.  Once the purpose is met, they leave.  Important thing is that they don't come to meet their purpose. They are sent to our lives to serve our purpose. They are the part of a grand plan called life. So, people may be good or bad; they may help you or leave you in the lurch, but the purpose they serve is never a waste. They may be your close ones or you may only have a nodding acquaintance with them. But, trust me, the timing of their arrival & departure is just perfect. So, don't regret if you come across somebody who cheated you or mourn if you lose someone who was very close to you because both were the part of the same plan. They only differed in roles. Just thank God & try to find some Good in the Goodbye.

Thursday 13 September 2012

Move On

Our past has only one place to be at- past. It has no place in our current life. There is always a tussle going on between our past & our present and generally the winner is decided by us. The team that we support always enjoys an advantage over the other. If you believe your past was not a happy one, would you like it to win. But the way to defeat your past is not to kick it or punch it; it will only remind you more of itself. The only way to help your present win is to accept your past as you lived it & move on. At the most, learn from it but never get absorbed in it. You have no control over what has already happened but you can do a lot with your present. So, concentrate on it.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Wisdom Vs Knowledge

Knowledge is nothing but a collection of information. When we understand certain patterns, we are said to have the knowledge of that pattern. Wisdom is all about understanding principles. While knowledge only provides information, wisdom guides us to when to use that knowledge or whether to use it or not. Wisdom is about discerning wrong or right. Human mind is more powerful than machines simply because machines can only store information or knowledge; it doesn't have the faculty of wisdom. While knowledge is more about giving answers, wisdom is about asking questions. Knowledge resides in a mind but wisdom requires a heart, a soul. Thus, it is always beneficial to be a man of wisdom than to be a knowledgeable person. 

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Trust Your Wisdom

Human wisdom is not only the oldest but also the most reliable source to guide us towards our purpose. Irony is that we ignore it & look for the solution in the outside sources which are transient & unreliable. Human wisdom hints us whenever we do something which is not in sync with our purpose. At the same time some man-made tools pull us towards something which has more to do with worldly desires. And at that moment of truth we make cardinal sin of going for the material possessions & ignoring our true calling. This is when we die before our death as we give control of self to these outside sources & find it hard to get out of this Maya- Chakra. Real living is ignoring the hours, days, months & years & living the life in moments. These moments can only be defined by human wisdom, not by any clock or calendar.   

Monday 10 September 2012

Take Yourself Lightly

Life is not a serious business. Even if you are in the worst of situations or at a very crucial juncture, take life lightly. Be sincere; don't be serious. Sincerity will have a positive impact on the outcome while seriousness will only make the situation graver. Don't curse if it starts raining during a party. Go & get drenched. You will realize that not only you start enjoying life, but also people start loving you. No one likes a serious face while everyone wants to be close to a happy soul. Don't tie yourself with a heavy burden of things which have happened or things which could have happened. These will pull you down. Instead, enjoy this moment & you will feel that you have started flying over those very things which were pulling you down. Take a flight now !  

Sunday 9 September 2012

Wake Up

Dreaming is the first step towards a goal. People who cant dream, cant achieve. But a large number of people do only that; they only dream. They forget to go to the second important step & that is why they never meet their objective. According to Anthony Robbins, the big proof of any decision is that it is always followed by an action. No action means no decision. So, if you have taken a decision today, check whether you have followed it up with a BIG action or not. If not, wake up now!  

Saturday 8 September 2012

Trust Yourself

Never short-sell yourself. You are doing the best under given circumstances & you can't do better than this. Period. You have not come in this universe to impress others or to meet others' expectations. You are here only for your calling, for your purpose. If people expect more from you, it is their problem. Don't buy unnecessary stress. Some people enjoy bringing people under undue stress. Ignore them. It doesn't mean living an easy life. It only means living a challenging yet stress-free life. Follow the Bhagwatgita to the core. Have faith in your Karma, leave rest to God. And trusting yourself is trusting God.   

Friday 7 September 2012

Let The World Wag

Anything that you do for the first time, looks difficult & silly.  But, once you are absorbed in the activity, it becomes your second nature. Do you remember the first time you danced in a party? Initially you were not able to muster enough courage to come forward. But once you hit the floor, the steps came naturally to you. Remember there is always a first time for everything. If you want to start something new, don't worry how you would look or what people would say. People don't have enough time to observe what you are doing. And if they do, it means you are doing something really remarkable. Just go for it and let the world wag !

Thursday 6 September 2012

Ability To Respond

Children learn by observing. They also learn by the responsibilities that we entrust to them. It is with these responsibilities they learn to make mistakes & grow in confidence & courage. Responsibility is nothing but ability to respond. And when a child gets this ability to respond, he becomes a gem. Real problem starts when we become overprotective about them. A child grows best in open, not in a cage. We limit his growth by making a protective cover around him. By  giving them responsibilities we give them roots which help them develop wings. 

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Be Blessed

Really contented people don't live only for themselves. They live for others too. The more they live for others, the more happiness they attract into their own life. Try to feel the emotion you have when you help someone who cannot be of any help to you or whom you will not  meet again in your life. You wont be able to explain the feeling as the emotion is out of this world. Your whole day will be blessed. So, when you be a blessing to others, you do yourself a big favor. And if you make it the purpose of your life, you become the God's chosen soul.

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Don't Complain

People have a lot of grudges against life. One common grudge is why lady luck always smiles at less capable people & completely ignores talented folks. The answer lies in an invisible fact that those so called less capable people put in everything to get success because they know that if they don't toil hard they are doomed to fail. On the other hand, a little more capable people depend entirely on their  capability, thus ignoring the role of hard work. If capable people make full use of their capability & put in hard work, they become masters & the whole world stands up to welcome them.....  

Monday 3 September 2012

Keep Trying

We were not always made to succeed. But we were made to try, always; despite failures or challenges. As a human being we were also made to fail & learn. Problem starts when we stop after a few failures. Falling is never an issue if we get up & give it another try. One big difference between animals & human beings is that while animals live for existence, human beings live for excellence. And the only way to excel is to keep trying after every failure.   

Sunday 2 September 2012


You inspire a good number of people just by being your natural self. You don't need to make an extra effort to attract people towards you. They like you as you are- neither a degree more nor a degree less. The only person you have to be better than is the person you were yesterday. When we start putting a lot of appearances over our natural self, we get lost somewhere & people start maintaining distance. So, the best way to be the best of you is just to 'Be'.   

Saturday 1 September 2012

Power Of Belief

Most of the ideas come into being once a mind starts believing in something. What looks next to impossible, becomes a cakewalk once it gets the power of belief. Conversely, many great ideas don't see the light of the day simply because the force of belief was missing. Not that idea gets wasted, only that it is implemented by someone else who had the belief. And you are left to 'wow' your own idea. In short, belief is even bigger & more important than the idea. So, the next time you reject an idea because it seems impossible, think twice. Someone may prove you wrong tomorrow & you will be forced to express in exasperation, " I am wronged again".