Sunday 3 February 2013

Expect The Best, Prepare For The Worst

Life is a not a plain road; it's a bumpy ride & we all have to take the ride whether we like it or not. Like a roller coaster, the more you enjoy it, the better it gets for you; the more you dread it, the scarier it gets. But, you can't be a bystander, seeing the people screaming. You have to get onto it & take the ride.
Life comes in different colors & shades & that's why it is a rainbow, not a black & white picture. The problem occurs when we expect it to be hunky-dory all the time. Our job is to get ready for the worst & always expect the best. But, we do it other way round! We don't start something new because we expect the worst to happen- What if the business fails? What if I am not selected? Or many such fears stop us from living an adventurous life. You can see fear all around you. People who are living a routine life, struggling to earn a living are the people who get bogged down because of fear of the worst which never takes place. Many a time, fear is there not to scare us but to tell us that the thing we fear is worth a try. Don't think in terms of failures or the worst case scenario when you take on something new. Visualize the best outcome, experience it & sooner than later you will see it.
This is not to say that the worst never happens. It does; in fact, it repeats many times in the life of certain people, but these are the same people who keep trying & ultimately find a huge success. When they fail, they learn to prepare for the next failure & then next until they find success. They don't fear failure; they keep pushing failure to the brink and give it a one last push to emerge winners. 
Sometimes, you expect the best, prepare yourself for the best but when you give it a go, life delivers you something in between. What to do in such case? Accept it & capitalize what you have got. There is no use quibbling over what you have got. But, you can always think of making the best what you have been delivered. So, don't wait; start now! 
"First ask yourself: What is the worst that can happen? Then prepare to accept it. Then proceed to improve on the worst." - Dale Carnegie

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