Wednesday 22 May 2013

Walk Towards Your Dreams

When we start a journey, we have a destination in our mind. We encounter a lot of challenges on the way but keep walking & reach the end of our journey. But many a time, we start for one place & reach the other. Why does that happen? Do we deviate from our path? 
Remember, we think of only one destination but God has many in store for us. The basic difference between His choice & our choice is that our choice is influenced by external factors while His is in line with our dreams. When we start we think only about reaching the end of our journey while the real joy & learning is in the journey itself. When we begin we are not mature enough to think about the places that we will touch during our excursion but as we move along we see those & enjoy the beauty. Destination is not as important as the journey because destination stops you while journey makes you walk. 
"It is good to have an end to journey towards; it is the journey that matters in the end."
                                                                                                                    -Urusula Le Guin
Sometimes, a voice pushes us towards a particular direction & we turn towards it, willy-nilly. What is that direction? Who is pushing us & why? The direction you are pushed towards is the direction of your dreams & your inner voice is pushing you there. Read the signal; listen to your intuition. Your intuition is nothing but God talking to you. Don't fight; don't oppose. Just keep walking & one day you will arrive where you are needed to.
No doubt, you intend to do something in life & want to do it all cost but don't get frustrated if you don't reach there; you will reach somewhere & that somewhere is not the end of the journey; it is just the beginning. Our job is to listen to that voice, go towards the direction of our dreams & keep walking. And, don't stop even if it appears that you have reached your destination. It may be a temporary halt to take some rest & walk again. 

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