Saturday 11 May 2013

Give And Give

Most of the successful people are successful because of their unmatched intelligence. They are different because they think differently. Their actions defy all logic and they are ridiculed and revered because of the their out-of-the-box ideas. They have one more quality that helps them reach the pinnacle of success & it is that they all have a big heart. Their prime goal is not to be successful but to make others happy by elevating their life. They relentlessly work for the betterment of human race till their end.
Being genius is a gift of God but being generous is your return gift to God. We all are gifted in certain ways so that we shower gifts given to us by God on people who are not so gifted in that field. But instead of cooperating, we start competing. We start thinking that if we share our traits with others he might become more successful than us. This limited thinking stops us from sharing our genius with our fellow human beings & we die with that unused talent. You might have used that talent but if a vast population remains devoid of something that they would have got with little generosity, I would call it unused genius.
In fact, we are only an agent between God & other people as far as passing these gifts are concerned. Our job is not to think what will happen to our gifts but to do what we have been assigned to do. Another important point to remember is that it is an unending supply. The more you give, the more gifts will be supplied to you. If you stop the supply, further supply of gifts to you will also be stopped. 'Give & Receive' is an old principle. The new principle is 'Give & Give'. 

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