Wednesday 15 May 2013


Everyone craves for a life full of wonders & to seek that we run everywhere & to everyone. But more often than not we feel disenchanted and come back to our own abode to find that the world that we were seeking out was within, waiting for us to return. It is sure that one day we will come back & seek asylum in the comforting confines of our soul. And then we only wonder why we failed to notice the light within & lived in darkness. 
One day, I decided to do some soul-searching & had an interesting dialogue with my soul. 
When probed why don't we see the light even though we want it badly, it answered, "My dear child, the light that is there can't be seen; it can only be felt & to feel this light one needs to have a soul that is devoid of all impurities. It has to be as fresh & pure as a newly bloomed flower."
Then I questioned, "Why didn't I notice it when I was a child? I met all the requirements to notice the light."
And it whispered into my ear,"You noticed it in your initial years. This is why it is said that a child is closest to God. But you started ignoring it soon as your vision was blinded by the external influences. And once that happened, you closed your eyes forever to ignore it & engaged in material pursuits."
But I was not to be defeated so easily. I continued pestering my soul, "But you could have talked to me. After all, you are my soul. It is your duty to guide me whenever you think I am heading towards the wrong direction."
It smiled as if to tease me, "My dear child, I was continuously talking to you as I am talking now. But my voice was muffled by the noise outside. What you call intuition was me talking to you. But you ignored that too."
"But I said my prayers regularly. Then, what is the difference between prayer & intuition?" asked I.
It answered, "You said your prayers that is why you had a strong intuition. Prayer is you talking to God & intuition is God talking to you."
"So, how am I able to listen your voice now?", questioned I.
It smiled again & replied, "Because now you understand that the real world is within you. All that you seek is within;rest all is a mirage."
And then feeling frustrated & tired, I demanded, "Why are you giving these answers now? "
It replied softly, "Because you are asking the questions now. And 'now' is all that matters. Don't regret; don't fret over what you have lost. Rejoice over what you are going to experience now."

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