Wednesday 8 May 2013

Stretch Your Mind

Our mind is the most powerful computer ever invented. It has a memory, an operating system & a key board which is used to write all our experiences- negative as well as positive. We need to give commands to our mind to produce results. But unlike computer, it has some mechanisms which make it distinct from the ordinary computers. 
First & foremost, it is never switched off; it works round the clock. Whether you are using it or not, it will continue processing the data that it is getting. It doesn't depend on anyone for the data; it collects it on its own. It gathers data from varied sources, some of the sources that you may not even recognize after a certain period. You might not have observed certain incident that took place around you, but it not only took notice of the same but also saved it to its memory. 
The other distinct feature of human mind is that it is always on auto-save mode; for every bit of experience- real or imaginary. And we can use this feature to our advantage or disadvantage depending upon how we use the experience. The experiences that are painful & demotivating can also be programmed to our advantage if we stop seeing these as negative experiences & treat the same as learning experiences. On the other hand, we can use all positive experiences to solve our problems or to motivate us in troubled time. We can make two separate files of learning experiences & positive experiences & give command to our mind to save all past & current data related to experiences in proper files.
One thing that is absolutely in your control is the interpretation of the data. How you read the data will have a lot of bearing on your future life. Mind computer needs commands to read the data & depending upon the commands given by you, it will interpret the data. Whenever faced with a challenge, your mind will automatically open the files of learning experience & positive experience. Now, it is up to you to choose the data that you want to use. The interpretation of the data will be done by you & will be used to overcome the challenge. One interesting fact is that every time you open a particular file, your computer will store your preference. And after some time it will start opening the file of your preference & rejecting the file that you don't want it to open in problem solving mechanism. If you recall negative experience, every time you are faced with a challenge, your mind will open the negative experience file & discard the other file & vice versa. So, you can either erase all negative experiences from your life by not recalling these or you can use these to your advantage by treating these as learning experiences.
The most important thing to remember is that you should not 'let' your mind work but 'make' it. Make it do certain things that it fears. Scold it if it tries to frighten you. Feed it with commands that work for you not against you. As Emerson said, 
                                       " Do the thing & you will have the power."

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