Friday 31 May 2013

Pray To Please

We displease many people every day on a non-issue. In fact, we don't displease others; we displease ourselves. Man is not an island. We are connected to so many people every single moment that we can't escape getting hurt if someone is hurt by our act. Our mood is not a separate entity.  It is dependent on the atmosphere around us which in turn is created by us. So, when we displease someone, we lay foundation for a bad mood for ourselves. 
One way to pray is to concentrate on self- our dreams, our sins & our peace of mind. What if we start praying for others? How will it benefit you? It will; actually when you pray for others, you feel more contented in comparison to when you pray for yourself. You feel disengaged with self & feel connected to others. You get vicarious pleasure in their achievement & blessings. Their benefits even start influencing you & their joy uplift your mood. You become one with the world.  
Another way to pray is to give pleasure to others. Your one act that gives pleasure to one person is better than praying aloud for self. When you help others, you become one with God & that is the real purpose of praying. 
So, the next time when you go to pray, forgive everyone who hurt you & pray for him. Also apologize for every act of yours that might have offended someone. You will ensure a happy mood & a happy time ahead for yourself. 

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