Saturday 25 May 2013

Slow Down

The biggest fallout of getting caught in a rat race is that we don't know why we are running; and where. Some rats are running for the cheese, some more are running for more cheese & some are running for better quality cheese. Getting cheese becomes the be-all and end-all of our existence. When cheese moves, we also move. Our whole existence becomes cheese dependent. When we take part in a race our only motto is to compete with others. And when we do so our focus shifts to others. We start thinking in terms of others & self is lost among other rats. It is important to slow down & let others win(lose). When you slow down, you realize your purpose & every step of your life thereafter connects you to your calling. You not only enjoy the race, but also the scenery around you which is an essential part of your existence. And most importantly, you start living !

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