Saturday 6 October 2012

Mind Your Business

You are the only one of your type in this world. It is impossible to get another one like you even if you are a rare piece. So, accept yourself fully instead of being a second rate copy of someone else. If an average man develops only one of his many traits and distinguishes himself in a particular field, he can reach the pinnacle of success. The world will be enriched with a huge store of rare & original talents. The trouble is that we try to be what people think of us. In doing so, we make of ourselves only an average copy of someone else & the original copy gets lost in the jungle of average people.  What people think of us & want us to become is not our business. It is theirs & they should be left to take care of the same. You mind your own business viz. die an original. 


  1. we all are innovative in one or the other way,this leads to demands work and we generally try to imitate,consequently loose our own identity......let's evaluate ourselves and try to be ORIGINAL!

  2. Ya. Dying an original is a big achievement that people ignore while they live.
