Saturday 13 October 2012

Be Curious

A child is the most curious creature. But by the time he grows up to be a man, his curiosity is suppressed. It happens for two reasons- first, because he doesn't get the right answers and, secondly, because he is not encouraged to ask questions. We  forget that all the answers in the world were obtained by asking questions. The fact of the matter is that we are not afraid of questions. We are afraid of answers or lack of these. We are afraid of reality as it may sound shocking, at times. But that doesn't change the reality a bit. It remains the same-  shocking.
So, by not answering we are not changing the reality, we are only changing the state of mind of a child, for the worse. And this is too high a price to pay for our so called balanced approach. Curiosity did not kill the cat- lack of answers did it !


  1. wonderful article !...i'll definitely follow it.

  2. Ya Richa. Following is more important than knowing it !
