Wednesday 10 October 2012

Experience Vs Wisdom

Aging is a natural process. But gaining wisdom while you age, is not natural. Most of the time we confuse wisdom with experience. We gain experience while we age, but not necessarily we become wise & the reason for this gap is that we don't learn from every experience. The degree of experience may also differ. Someone who has been in different situations or has met with many failures, will have more experience in comparison to someone who has led a risk-free life & avoided failures. This is the reason that we find a huge learning gap between people of almost same age. So, the key is to gain a lot of experience by leading an adventurous life & learn from every experience.  


  1. Vicissitudes are somewhat same in everybody's life and give ample of lessons to learn,we need to imbibe these lessons to open and widen our sight of wisdom.....hence gaining experiences day by day ,year by year.

  2. Ya. Experience.....Learn.......Apply........Experience........Learn........Apply..........Succeed

  3. Most of the times it is difficult to differentiate experience and wisdom. I agree that some times wisdom is innate, however, as one gets a lot of experience they tend to judge justly and take tough decisions that not everyone can think about. This is mainly because experienced people make associations of the past experience with current situations and it results into making wise decisions.
