Saturday 12 January 2013

Live Out Loud

The fact of life is that we have only one life to live but another fact is that one life is more than enough provided we know how to live it. Most of the time we pass our life for others or for a wrong cause. By the time we realize that I didn't live my life but someone else did, it is too late.
There has been a long debate on what influences the life of an individual more; nature or nurture ie. his heredity or his environmental factors. No doubt both play a definite role in the making of an individual. Genes may give an individual the color of his eyes, pitch of his voice, to some extent his IQ. On the other hand his environment nurtures his mannerism, his gait & many other personality traits. It is argued that it's the interaction of both nature & nurture, genes & environment that decides the development of a person.
 If this be the case, what is the role of a person in his life? He cannot decide his genes & he is also not in control of his environment, so whose life does he live anyway? What he gets from heredity & his environment is very small aspect of his life; what he makes of that he gets determines his life. This is what separates ordinary from extraordinary; an average man from a genius; and an ordinary life from a life of purpose. The best part is that he has full control on his thinking, his feeling, his attitude & his actions. So why do we complain about people or circumstances shaping our life? We just pass the buck. After all, it sounds better to say that my circumstances were such that I could not study further than to say that I did not study further. People don't take control of our life; we give control of our life to people. The results in our life are the consequence of our actions which originate from our feelings & our thoughts. People have control over their actions; they have no control on what I think of their actions & how do I feel. 
Successful people were those who lived their life their way & they lived it loud. They never bothered about the noise outside because their inner voice was much louder than that noise. They cared least what people spoke of them once they decided that they were living a life of purpose. They might not have been the wealthiest or the most powerful but they were, undoubtedly, the happiest people & to them that was the only thing that mattered. They did what they wanted to do without hurting others. Their success was not their success; it influenced a large section of humanity. They lived, loved & left a legacy. 
"A man is a success if he gets up in the morning & gets to bed at night, and in between he does what he wants to do." - Bob Dylan 

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