Tuesday 11 December 2012

The Ecstasy Of Living

When we start any journey, we do it in right earnest. We begin it because we trust our intuition  about it. Journey towards life of truth is no different. We cannot venture on the path of righteousness if we don't have a firm belief. 
We can divide people into four categories as far as walking the path of truth is concerned . 
First category of people are those who don't know what is the right way of living. These people can only be pitied as they never come in contact of people who have experienced the joy of righteous living. They only believe in materialistic pleasures which are transient but they are not aware about this fact. One day these people get converted into things & either wear out or rust out. They only pass this planet without experiencing life. 
Second category of people are those who know the path to truth but refuse to accept it as they consider it to be strewn with hindrances and hardships. They pretend as if they never knew this path and pass their life without realizing that they were not living but only breathing. They miss life by a long margin. And by the time they get to know about the joy of living it is already too late. 
Third category of people are those who know the path & start the journey too. They also know the obstacles that they might meet along the path. They still embark upon the journey because they know the bliss of righteous living. The only problem with these kinds of people is that when they come face to face with problems they go down fighting & refuse to go all the way. They are the most unfortunate of souls. They got the life but could never enjoy it. They miss life by a whisker. 
The fourth category of people are the blessed souls. They not only know the path & the bliss that it brings along but also the hardships that they might encounter on the way. They don't start the journey for some reward. They know the reward of truthful living is the life itself. They live every moment of their life to the fullest. Their stoical acceptance of all pain makes their life a memorable experience. They attain nirvana along the path & leave their mark on the path for others to follow. And most importantly, they experience the ecstasy of living !     

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