Wednesday 5 December 2012

Mind Wash

Our life is nothing  but the consequence of  series of decisions that we take when we live. It is these decisions that shape our life. Even when we don't take these decisions we make the decision of letting our life influenced by external factors. So, we don't live our life, someone else does. The all important question to ask is- how our decisions are influenced? These are influenced by our thought patterns. We set a certain thought pattern that we follow until it is replaced by another pattern. Though the transition of these patterns is not easy & frequent, we can still influence it to our advantage. 
Our mind is daily bombarded with lots of thoughts, most of which are externally driven. The problem with these thoughts is that they are not controlled by us but by others. And these external influences direct our lives as per their conveniences & requirements. By the time we realize it, we have already pledged a large part of our thinking pattern to these influences. 

Transition is not easy because we live around those external factors & listen to same kinds of thoughts. At times, we want to come out of it but fail because our subconscious mind keeps throwing these thoughts back to us.
So, the important point is how to make your own thought pattern so that you be at the driving seat of your life instead of riding pillion. One easy way is to block every external thought at the outset that may influence you negatively. You meet all kinds of people daily & these people have varied thought patterns & they, knowingly or unknowingly, throw their thoughts towards you. It is like when you move out, you are bound to attract some dust. Thoughts are like dust particles. So, the moment you realize there is something thrown at you, take out a napkin dipped in the perfume of positive thoughts & wipe your face thoroughly. Check your face in the mirror & do it until every single particle of  negative influence is wiped off. This may look very unpractical & cumbersome, but believe me, this is very crucial for your life. 
Another good way is to bathe daily in the river of positive thoughts. Start your day with something powerfully positive. May be you can read some motivational book or article or listen to some inspiring lecture. Make sure that you don't talk anything negative in the first hour of the day. The important part is to do it daily even if you are happy & satisfied with your thoughts. It will work like a sun-screen to protect you from any negative idea that  may creep in. But the most important thing to remember is to do it daily. Make it as important a part of your life as food is. Miss your food if required but never miss your Mind Wash! 

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