Friday 23 November 2012

Love All

Being loved by someone is a blessing. It tells you how much you are wanted despite your faults. It increases your worth in your own eyes & in the eyes of others. Many times we underestimate our own worth & try to short sell ourselves but once you are loved deeply by someone, you start realizing that you have the traits to impress others & you start exhibiting those traits. The important thing to remember is not to make any effort to be noticed but to remain happy all the time, in all circumstances. People will take notice if you are at your natural best. It gives you the strength to move forward, to think the unthinkable & achieve the unachievable. 

But loving someone is a greater blessing. It makes you tolerant towards the faults of others & when you do so, you are loved in return. It needs courage to love someone with visible faults. When you love someone, you accept him or her in toto, not in parts. Many of us tend to accept only positive traits of a person, rejecting the gray areas. It is not love; it is compromise. When the husband tells his wife," I love you", he doesn't mean, "Your eyes are all right but i don't like your hair." So, why do we complain when we see some blemish in our partner? In fact, a time comes when we start focusing only on the blemish & completely ignore the traits because of which we fell in love. What if we do just the opposite- ignore all the vices & focus on the virtues. Virtues will first add & then multiply & vices will vanish into thin air. When you love someone you condone even the blunders & on the contrary, when you dislike someone, you look even at small mistakes as blunders. At times people play tennis with each other & score points by catching others doing something wrong. But, you don't score points when you are in love & therefore the result is always Love All !


  1.' i can't express its meaning and vastness,words will lack if try it.....i am lucky i am blessed with both the conditions ......what i feel love always complement....there is nothing to add or subtract ...we need to be 1 not 11 , this all happens when we accept as a whole ,none is perfect on this earth but the feel of belonging vanish all blemishes ....and yes scientifically unlike stays like aparts :) :) :) love teaches 'to give n give n give the more u give the more u r rich and satisfied.....the most serene feeling is what we call love.

  2. Thanks for the lovely comment Richa !

  3. I can't explain the feeling when I'm loved by someone... Its the best feeling ever.. Great article Sir..
