Monday 5 November 2012

Bread & Butter

Some people love to live a life full of grudges. Their day begins with a statement like, " It is going to be  a lousy day', and end with, " I had a terrible day". And true to their predictions, the day ends up being a lousy one ! And if it is not so, they make sure it is converted into one. We must understand that even the days which seem not so happy, are important. It is on an unsuccessful day that we learnt most of our lessons. Currently, if you are eating the side which is not buttered, you should realize that you consume the buttered side as well. The problem occurs when we concentrate too much on the side that is not buttered. At times, we take our eyes off the bliss of life and focus only on some of the wants of our life. Remember, irrespective of the thickness of the butter or the side , you have to consume the whole bread. So enjoy the bread rather than cursing the side. 


  1. what a wonderful article!.....just apply the warmth of positivety i m sure we;ll enjoy the butter on both the the sides..:) :) :)

  2. Thanks for liking the post, Richa !
