Tuesday 25 September 2012

Imagination Vs Knowledge

From the very beginning, we are taught to emphasize upon gaining knowledge. We are also taught to conform to the system. In short, we are taught to suppress our imaginative faculty. And by the time we grow up, our imagination dies a slow but sure death. There is nothing wrong in gaining knowledge, but not at the cost of imagination. Generally speaking, when we acquire knowledge, imagination is the first victim. While knowledge gives us information about a particular subject, imagination teaches us to go beyond. Knowledge teaches us to be within our limits, imagination tells us to break the limits. Knowledge guides us to follow a pattern, imagination hints at breaking patterns.


  1. 'Imaginations' people mingle it with fantasies...isn't these different?...plz make it more visionary.

  2. Dear Richa, Like knowledge, imagination also has many levels.
    Fantasy is a very crude form of imagination which only gives a false sense of pleasure for a short duration. Imagination, on the other hand, shows you real future form of something. So,you form the object twice. Once in your imagination & another in reality.
    Vision is another form of imagination which shows you the way forward. So, fantasy & vision are poles apart.
