There have been many theories of how human life came into being. But the best one is which suggests that we came from an energy field known by different people & sects by different names. Some call it God; some other name it soul or pure consciousness. A child is the best example of this pure consciousness as he is bereft of any humanly characteristics like greed, want, anger, resentment etc. He is not from God; he is God. He is in harmony with nature's law & his frequency matches with that of divinity. If we are in harmony with this source, we will have all the attributes that a soul has. This source is infinite & eternal.
The trouble begins when we move from pure consciousness to ego consciousness. Pure consciousness encompasses all while ego consciousness is limited to self. When we hang out to those false ideas of ego, we reject everyone, become judgmental about others & get misaligned. Now, we start working with a different frequency which is aligned to more worldly pursuits. We start our human experience & start thinking in terms of materialistic goals. Ego consciousness keeps us away from everyone else & tries to create a false world which is self-centered & is all excluding. We want to have more, win more & be more.
On the contrary when we stay connected to God consciousness, we become formless, changeless & deathless. We are limitless & our soul wants us to achieve more than we can dream. We don't walk; we fly because we are light. While ego consciousness is about having, wanting & collecting, God consciousness is about giving, abnegating & sharing. Ego consciousness thinks in terms of attaining power; God consciousness thinks in terms of giving power to others. God consciousness is about serving, loving & getting detached from outcome.
The best part is that this human experience is only a small dot in the eternity of our spiritual journey. And if we can merge this dot into eternity by making this experience also a spiritual one, we would serve our cause of coming to this planet.
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